Xpress Dental Clinic

Xpress Dental Joins ADA in Keeping People Informed About the Link Between Diabetes and Gum Disease

LogoIn a study published by the American Diabetes Association, diabetic patients are found to be more likely to have gum disease due to amplified vulnerability to infection and decreased capability to fight the germs infuriating the gums. Gum disease makes it more difficult for people with diabetes to manage their blood sugar which in effect results to a more aggravated gum problems.

The Irony of Tooth Brushing: Even the Best Dentist Can't Recommend the Best Way

LogoA study had revealed that dental experts disagree and have conflicting ideas on what’s the best and most efficient way to take good care of one’s dental hygiene.

Multiple Scleroris or Mercury Poisoning; A Glimpse of Maria Indermuhle's Story

LogoFor Maria Indermuhle of Switzerland, getting dental fillings three years ago started a horrible nightmare in her life. Three years after she had her dental fillings, she began experiencing strange sensations in her legs, which led her inability to walk, numbness in her hands, lost of vision, slurred speech, and heart palpitations. The culprit – mercury poisoning.

Dental Patients' Frequently Asked Questions and Fears Clarified by the Best Dentist in Edinburg TX

LogoTo soothe and alleviate the fears that one is having towards the dentists - our gums’ and teeth’s best friends, here are the clarifications on the frequently asked questions and fears that the best dentist in Edinburg TX is hearing.

Can Red Wine Help in Preventing Dental Caries?

LogoRed wine, with all its benefits in lowering cholesterol, protecting the heart, controlling blood sugar, boosting brain, and a lot more health benefits, seems to bring the dental industry a good news, as featured in Huffington Post, Medical News Today, and other media. Based on the press releases, according to a laboratory study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, red wine can potentially help avert the presence of dental caries.

The Aid of an Emergency Dentist Can Avoid Expensive Emergency Room Care

LogoBetween 2008 and 2010, over 4 million patients with dental conditions are brought to hospital EDs hoping that that these establishments can help them out. These incidences reached an estimated cost of $2.7 billion. According to the study published in the April issue of the Journal of the American Dental Association, the vast majority of these patients did not receive actual dental procedures and are aided with prescription medications instead. The study also stated that a total of 101 patients passed away in the emergency rooms.

Nearly 100% of Adults Tolerate Dental Caries According to FDI World Dental Federation Report

LogoIn connection with the celebration of World Oral Health Day, FDI World Dental Federation presented their latest report, emphasizing that almost 100% of adults suffer from dental caries. Thus, they found out that the results are millions of lost work hours.

A Warning for the Dental Industry: Four out of Five People Resist Dentist Consultation

LogoAccording to the British Dental Health Foundation reports, in every five people with teeth problems, only four of them seek dental treatment. The dental industry must be alarmed with this statistics.

The Wonders of Coconut Oil: Is Oil Pulling the Next Big Thing in Dental Health Care?

LogoKnown as the wonder fruit, coconut has once again proven its magic as its oil was hailed as a “miracle dental breakthrough’ in the field of dental healthcare.

Dental Amalgam Controversy: A Health Risk or a Safe Practice?

LogoThe disputable controversy over the use of dental amalgam drew pole- to- pole views, mainly because of the element mercury mixed in that fusion. The mere fact that this element, which is commonly known as quicksilver, is included in the dental filling material, cognitive skills and sleepiness, to name a few, were put into danger. Primarily, the hazardous effects of that amount of exposure are disputed. Though, most countries approved the use of mercury in dental fillings. In such, amalgam use is unhampered in Europe but not all, such as Norway and Sweden, which imposed the usage of amalgam as an illegal act.