Xpress Dental Clinic

Good Dental Health in Children: Investment for a Healthy Lifetime

LogoAbout 90 percent of adults have an average of 23.5 teeth, based on surveys. Nearly a third of adults have a complete set of 28 teeth. In addition, 50 percent of adults ages 55 years and older have partial or complete dentures.

Dental Phobia? Sleep Dentistry Is the Answer

LogoWe can kiss dental phobia goodbye. Today, Dental clinics offer various techniques to overcome dental phobia or anxiety. Dentist approaches vary from use of non-threatening language, interactive approaches based on tell-show-do techniques, structured time and positive reinforcement.

Oral Hygiene Promotes Overall Wellness

LogoIt is said that the mouth has more bacteria than a toilet seat. Human’s mouth has the proper temperature for bacterial growth, ample locations to reproduce and unlimited food supply from food particles stuck in between teeth. These bacteria are responsible for dental cavities. If left untreated, the disease can lead to pain, tooth loss and infection that can lead to other health complications.