reshmasx When you finally let out the breath you were holding, breathe in deep and hold on to it for 10-15 seconds before letting it out slowly. When you complete four rounds of this power breathing, you can switch to meditation. Either meditate how you normally would or, if you’re a beginner, meditate for five minutes by closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing and that space between your eyes again. One of the things that the Wim Hof Method is great for is helping rein in obesity and lose weight. According to Wim Hof there is a type of fat tissue called brown adipose. This brown adipose creates heat and is used to tackle obesity. This brown fat also helps to manage body temperature in both humans and animals and, oddly enough, obese people have a major lack of it. Before adopting the Wim Hof Method I felt it only right to forego any other kind of meditation and give Wim Hof my full focus. A benefit of the Wim Hof Method is that you also won’t have to give up yoga for those ten weeks though as the Method includes some yoga asanas.