Ronald Berry

If you have a legal matter that needs attending to, a Lansing attorney at the Berry Law Firm can help you. When you find that you need an attorney, you want to find that right attorney as fast as possible. Due to the advent of the internet, the location, evaluation, and retention of an attorney has become easier than ever before. This is not to say that finding the right lawyer for your situation is as easy as typing in the keywords 'find lawyer' in your search engine's search bar. On the other hand, finding just the right lawyer takes research and preparation. Referral services can be a great place to begin your search when you are seeking attorneys in your area. At the same time, however, the information supplied to referral services is often supplied by the attorney in question. The majority of online referral services earn their living by charging a subscription fee to attorneys in order to be included in their listings. In other words, for a small monthly charge, the referral service includes the attorney in their listings. This doesn't mean that the information that is listed is untrue or that the attorney isn't competent or well-qualified. It simply means that the information listed in a referral service's website is perhaps a bit biased. In other words, do not use a referral service as your only means of research when seeking an attorney. Anyone that is not a lawyer will most likely refer you to your state bar association's website to find a lawyer. This is a good way to find lawyers that are board certified; however, the bar association is prohibited from making referrals. This is because the state bar association is simply a regulatory agency, and not a referral agency. The bar can help you find lawyers that are proficient in specific legal areas, such as criminal or civil law. Also, this is the only place that you can find out if your chosen lawyer has ever been disciplined by the bar association or sanctioned due to malpractice. You can use this agency as a means of screening lawyers once you have a list put together from your research. Once you narrow down your list to just a few attorneys, you can also use the major search engines to seek to screen each possibility. All you have to do is enter the name of the law firm or the lawyer into the search bar and see what results you obtain from your search. You want to be sure that there are no bad reviews or publicity about your chosen lawyer. You will get many results, such as news results, and these are of particular interest, as this is where you will find the most truthful news related to your specific attorney. This will also reveal personal things about the attorney, such as community activities, that can help you better decide if he or she is the attorney for you. The Lansing attorneys at The Berry Law Firm would like to work with you. If you have a pressing legal issue, talk with the attorneys at Berry. Lansing attorney offers affordable legal services for individual and business in all types of cases, such as criminal defense, juvenile cases, business management cases and many more at