The Stolberg

Step into The Stolberg, Preston's hidden gem, where a fusion of exquisite dining and vibrant social life awaits. This pub, nestled in the lively northern suburbs, is a sanctuary for those who cherish good food and great company. At The Stolberg, every meal is a culinary adventure, with a menu that delights and surprises, ensuring a dining experience like no other. Beyond its gastronomic appeal, The Stolberg is a focal point for community gatherings and celebrations. It's the perfect spot for hosting events that range from cozy family get-togethers to grand festive celebrations. Our function rooms are not just spaces but canvases for your special moments, offering the ideal ambiance for every event. The beer garden at The Stolberg is a vibrant oasis, where guests can bask in the lively atmosphere of Preston. It's a place for making new friends, sharing stories, and enjoying the pulse of the neighborhood. We warmly invite you to The Stolberg, where every visit is an exploration of joy and flavor. For more information on what we offer, please visit our website. At The Stolberg, we're not just a pub; we're a celebration of community, comfort, and the finest aspects of pub culture.