Vastu Shastra UK

Acharaya Geetanjali known to taking a distinctive approach to the practice of Vastu founded Vastu centre in UK in 2008. While Vastu typically concentrates on the building, she has a much more fluid interpretation of the disciple. She places emphasis on the importance of the person, researching the motivations and inspirations of the client as well as a focus on the property. Acharaya Geetanjali’s unique interpretation of Vastu using 4 step MahaVastu technique has had significant impacts on hundreds of past customers and clients, for a wide range of different aims. One recent consultancy involved a lady who was unable to find a job. Acharya assessed and analysed where this lady went to sleep in her house. Observing that the sleeping zone in her home was too relaxed, and advised the client to sleep in a different place to rebalance and refocus her energies. Following the recommendations, the client soon found a job. Along with expert consultations she has carefully created a 2 days training programme - Join her on 8th & 9th October and bring home the power of Vastu Shastra.