
Since its inception in 1999, we have built a successful business by providing quality, cost-effective and time-bound solutions to the clients around the globe. We have state-of-the-art development center based in Chennai, India, which is one of the world's favorite outsourcing destinations. Our global sales offices are strategically located in USA, UK, France, Malaysia, UAE and Saudi Arabia. We are fully ISO 9001:2000 compliant, certified by Bureau Veritas Certification, and we adopt CMM Level 4 Development Standards, Key Processes and Quality Assurance. We have a great expertise and track record in developing learning management solutions with International content standards such as SCORM 2004 and AICC. Through our leading edge technology, unparalleled experience and expertise., we facilitate the learning activities to meet local and global demands, bringing benefits to academia and to business. By leveraging a streamlined on-site/offshore development model, and integrating highly trained and professionally skilled people with state-of-the-art technology, we collaborate with clients to help them increase productivity, efficiency and the overall effectiveness of the business.