Like many great things, FUN - The FU_Network was born from a "What If"? “What if, instead of being destroyed by poor management, Canadian TV trendsetter Muchmusic had continued to evolve the medium with an expanded range of disruptive, innovative programming and broadened focus while remaining a leader at integrating crisp new tech into fresh inventive formats?” Long question. Short answer: it would be FUN - The FU_Network An internet channel with the exciting, authentic, immediate classic Muchmusic presentation style & Canadian secret-sauce of honesty, self-awareness, wit and personality across a broad spectrum of programming – FU Politics, FU Entertainment, FU Music, FU Life, FU Tech and more, interacting with viewers from anywhere & everywhere via iphone, ipad and webcams. A curated channel network that busy people can rely on for intelligent, witty content that mirrors their attitudes & interests. Honest, subversive, irreverent, funny - at the FU_Network, Smartass begins with Smart.