Legal Authority helps attorneys and law students manage their career moves more effectively and successfully. We are not a recruiting firm retained by a or company to screen candidates for positions. Legal Authority is working on your behalf, helping you contact employers that meet your needs. By making more quality contacts, you can produce more phone calls, interviews, and job offers than you can by reaching employers through a recruiter and risking a price tag of 25%-50% of your salary affecting your chances negatively. This is accomplished through the design of high impact resumes and their targeted distribution in the marketplace. Why Attorney use LegalAuthority? At Legal Authority, we are proud to say that our targeted mailing service helps more law students, recent law school graduates, and attorneys find employment than any other service in the world. Legal Authority was designed with you, the job seeker, in mind, and we are constantly evolving to meet every challenge that may be presented and present solutions to those hardest questions about your job search. At Legal Authority, we have the resources to help more students find jobs than any other single organization we are aware of in the United States. Legal Authority confidentially services both individual attorneys and legal hiring organizations.