
Legal Authority: Helping All, Refusing None

With the world largest legal database, Legal Authority has built a reputation in helping new attorneys’ start their careers (or just giving attorneys a fresh start on their careers). “Every attorney can benefit from using Legal Authority.” It doesn’t matter whether you are a law student, recent graduate or a seasoned legal attorney veteran. Therefore, since Legal Authority will help those who seek it, this gives Legal Authority the advantage over many legal job search sites in achieving greater success (not only Legal Authority’s but your success as well).

Legal Authority: Changing the Face of Attorney Employment

While numerous attorneys are seeking legal employment in a declining market, there have been very few sites that continue to find attorneys employment. Legal Authority is more than just a job search site but a “direct link to employers.”

Legal Authority: A Name You Can Really Trust

Why can you really trust Legal Authority for all your legal career needs? To answer this question briefly you can trust legal authority completely because it is part of the Career Mission group of companies. That is all you need to know if you are familiar with Career Mission in any way.

Working Hard for Your Job

One of the many reasons why LegalAuthority is so successful at acquiring law student jobs is because of targeted mailing. Instead of looking for a job on countless jobs boards in the hopes you find something of interest and pay well, LegalAuthority will contact every given employer who matches your criteria. You will find many positions in your area or abroad that you actually like.