Partners In Leadership, Inc.

Founded in 1989 by Roger Connors and Tom Smith, Partners In Leadership (PIL) is the world’s premier provider of Accountability Training® and Culture Change training and consulting services. PIL has enabled thousands of companies and millions of people in more than 100 countries to achieve dramatic results, reporting billions of dollars in improved shareholder wealth, saving hundreds of thousands of jobs— resulting in some of the highest praised and best places to work in the world. The company’s training and consulting services benefit from the solid foundation found in the innovative Three Tracks to Creating Greater Accountability® (Self, Culture, Others), each based respectively on a New York Times bestselling book developed by PIL to assist organizations in developing leaders and achieving their desired Key Results. PIL uses a results-based approach in all of its training and consulting engagements. In fact, PIL’s focus on helping leaders and organizations achieve their desired Key Results distinguishes its methodology and approach from all other competitors in the field. The PIL Results Clarification Methodology™ is a key part of the PIL’s value proposition and headlines the PIL Change Methodology that encompasses its curriculum. PIL has published three New York Times bestselling books. First published in1994, The Oz Principle: Getting Results Through Individual and Organizational Accountability, has since been published in Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, and Korean. Adrian Zacheim, President of Portfolio Publishing (Penguin Putnam Books), says of The Oz Principle, “This book is in the top 5 bestselling business books in the ‘leadership’ and ‘performance’ categories, year after year, since 1994. This book has become a classic and is in the top 30 bestselling business books of the last 15 years.” PIL has also published the bestselling book, Change the Culture, Change the Game: The Breakthrough Strategy for Energizing Your Organization and Creating Accountability for Results. This book brings to the field of organizational improvement and human performance technology cutting-edge methods and practices around accelerating culture change to achieve a Culture of Accountability, where people at all levels of the organization think and act in the manner necessary to achieve organizational results. PIL’s documented success in assisting Alaris Medical Systems in that company’s cultural change effort resulted in a 7000% return on equity investment and one of the largest stock price appreciations in its category according to MONEY magazine. PIL’s third book, also a New York Times bestseller, How Did That Happen? Holding People Accountable for Results the Positive, Principled Way, was published by Portfolio Books in August of 2009. This book presents PIL’s innovative and ground-breaking technology and approach to helping people at all organizational levels learn how to be even more effective at holding the people they depend on accountable to produce the results they need in a way that is empowering and positive, producing results and building morale at the same time. PIL’s clients include all 13 of the “most admired” pharmaceutical companies in the world, almost half of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, and nearly half of the Fortune 50’s largest companies. Their clients utilize their Accountability Training and Culture Change Methodologies to achieve key organizational objectives, such as increasing revenues and profitability, reducing costs, and successfully implementing major organizational initiatives. PIL has U.S. offices in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Manhattan, Milwaukee, Seattle, San Diego, and Salt Lake City. Corporate headquarters are located in Temecula, California and is represented by DOOR international, the exclusive international representative with offices in over 100 countries and 300 representatives throughout the world. Contact Partners In Leadership online at or 800-504-6070.