Posted on Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 7:15 pm CDT
When you are served with a Court Attendance Notice it will generally put you on what is referred to as a list day. These are days in which a number of people who have been accused of various offences will have to front up to Court and plead either guilty or not guilty. Other options can be to ask for an adjournment to seek legal advice without entering a plea or entering a plea of guilty and then having your matter put over for another sentence date. This could be to obtain references or to complete a court appointed task such as the completion of a traffic offenders program.
Source: Blomfield Legal
Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2016 at 6:30 pm CDT
The onus is always on the prosecution to prove an offence, and this proof has a high threshold in beyond reasonable doubt. In recent months coinciding with the awareness of domestic violence and last year's Australian of the year Rosie Batty who said in her valedictory speech in January that family violence was an "epidemic". There has been a significant change as to how evidence is presented in the Local Court in domestic violence matters.
Source: Blomfield Legal