NEWS RELEASE CMI -- Blood and fluid warmer systems are used predominantly to monitor and control the patient's body temperature as monitoring of temperature is important during patients to stay in the hospital, allows the doctor to provide proper treatment. Hypothermia is a medical condition related to body temperature where the temperature drops below 95-degree Fahrenheit, due to prolonged exposure to an environment which leads to difficulty in breathing and pulse rate gets slow down. Hypothermia mostly occurs among very young or very old people and causes fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, and lethargy. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2011, hypothermia is mainly susceptible to malnourished children as they have low metabolic rates to produce heat energy. People suffering from a memory disorder, strokes, paralysis, diabetes, severe trauma, and hypothyroidism are more prone to hypothermia and takes prolong healing time. Moreover, this condition also occurs during surgery due to a heavy dose of anesthetic drugs.