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An Apple a Day for Health Benefits

Apples are a convenient, healthy go-to snack for those on the go and looking to pick up some energy. One of the greatest things about the apple is there’s not a lot of prep work involved. In fact, it’s better if it’s eaten in whole form rather than removing the skin, and here are several reasons why.

Weight Loss Support Suggestions

Weight loss is a battle, and everyone has different tactics they employ to try and win the war. The staples of better dieting and exercise are always there, but in addition to those changes there are several other tricks that fellow fighters have to share and many of them offer key assistance in the ongoing battle to stay fit and healthy.

Exercise Benefits for Patients with COPD

Research recently released has shown that those who suffer from Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can benefit and reduce their risk of hospitalization from severe breathing problems by taking a daily walk of 1-3 miles per day.

Effects of Stress on Workouts

While exercise is an effective way of reducing stress, the sensation of anxiety can have a negative impact on physical performance. By understanding how stress affects the physical body, we can begin to outsmart it and continue to improve our physical performance.

Reducing Anxiety Through Diet

The importance of mental health has been highlighted recently in several studies, and more and more people are becoming aware of the effect anxiety has on their everyday lives. Job performance, physical capabilities, and overall happiness can be affected by mental distress, and increased anxiety levels. There are numerous, natural ways to help combat anxiety though and many of them can be done through dietary changes and monitoring.

Half-Marathon Training How to for Beginners

Once beginner runners get through their first few races, they start to think about how they can increase endurance, and maybe a few even plan to run a half-marathon race as a step before a full marathon. But even to those who’ve been running a while, 13.1 miles can seem a daunting distance. But with a proper training focus and know-how, this distance is achievable for any runner willing to take on the challenge.

What to Look for in a Weight Loss Program

Achieving a weight loss goal takes a lot of work and involves changing diet and engaging in exercise. Many who are taking on this difficult task often look for a weight loss program to follow that will offer encouragement and support for them on their journey. But, with so many weight loss programs to choose from it can be difficult to know which is best for each individual. To help with this, here are some things to look for that show a weight loss program is of a good standard and will help achieve better health for individuals looking to reduce body weight.

Importance of Flexibility Training

A good fitness program is composed of three things: cardiovascular training, strength or resistance training, and flexibility training. Of these three things, flexibility is often the most ignored component despite its numerous health benefits.

Heart Healthy Actions for February

February shouldn’t only be remembered for that one holiday filled with red hearts – it’s also American Heart Month which is a perfect time to review things that we can do every day to maintain and improve overall heart health.

Exercise Program Do's and Don'ts

Exercise is beneficial in any form, but for those creating a well-balanced program that they will follow for any length of time there are certain steps they should follow to make the program effective. There is a method to the madness of planning a workout routine, and here are some things to avoid when planning a routine.