Automotive Plastic holds the key to a host of safety and performance advancement in modern cars, minivan, SUVs and even HMVs. Automotive plastics are generally durable, strong, recyclable, scratch resistance, resistance to abrasion, improve vibration and noise control and allows design, molding and integration of components in automobiles. In modern cars plastic constitute almost 50% of the total volume of the car but contribute only 10% of the total weight of cars which makes cars lighter and increase the overall fuel efficiency. Modern automotive plastic however have much broader application including passenger safety, passenger convenience and overall manufacturing cost reduction. Automotive plastic are used in bumpers seats, dashboard, fuel systems, body panels, under-bonnet components, interior trim, electrical components, exterior trim, lighting, upholstery and liquid reservoirs. Further, the developments in the field of tough and durable automotive plastic are expected to increase use of plastic in modern cars. As for interiors, plastics have proven to be a great material for making comfortable, durable and aesthetically gratifying interior components.