Diet Doc Weight Loss

Diet Doc Explores Gut Bacteria and Its Potential to Cause Weight Gain, Prevent Weight Loss and Negatively Impact Cognitive Function

LogoMuch like a computer, the body is an intricate machine that requires millions of components, all working in perfect harmony to keep it healthy and running optimally. One of these mechanisms is gut bacteria. The gut is full of good gut bacteria or microflora, as well as bad bacteria and pathogens. This combination works to metabolize foods and protect against illness and disease. And, while it is not proven that an imbalance of gut bacteria actually causes obesity, it is clear that certain bacteria in the gut causes the body to take more calories from food, inevitably leading to weight gain.

With the Number of Obese Americans Outnumbering the Overweight, Diet Doc Releases New Medically Supervised Diet Plans

LogoAmericans are overweight; this fact has been regurgitated across media and health organizations for years. But a new survey conducted by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis reveals that the number of Americans considered obese (a body mass index over 30) is now greater than those merely considered overweight (body mass index ranging from 25 to 29.9). This survey also revealed that women are much more likely to be obese than overweight, with 37% of women in the former category and 30% in the latter. Altogether, two out every three women in the U.S. are above a normal weight.

Diet Doc Announces Updated Ketogenic Diets That Work Best with Specially Formulated Diet Products for Fast Weight Loss Without Carbohydrate Withdrawal Symptoms

LogoKetogenic diet plans are based on the premise that the body first burns processed carbohydrates for fuel, leaving the excess fat to be stored throughout the body. This excess fat nestles itself comfortably and dangerously in the cells of the body, around the internal organs and surfaces in the hard to reach areas, like the belly, hips, underarms, thighs and buttocks. By eliminating processed carbohydrates in the diet, the body will naturally seek out this old, stored fat, convert it as the primary source of fuel and quickly flush it from the system. Once this stored fat is released into the bloodstream and begins being burned for energy, successful ketosis has been reached.

Diet Doc Offers Oxytocin, Thought to Be the Most Amazing Molecule in the World

LogoBelieved to be one of the most amazing molecules in the world, Oxytocin plays an integral role in many bodily functions. New research is suggesting that oxytocin plays a crucial part in enabling us to not just forge new and strengthen existing social relations, but in helping us to stave off a number of psychological and physiological ailments as well. Oxytocin, along with dopamine and norepinephrine, are believed to be highly critical in human pair-bonding. However, another interesting trait of oxytocin is its ability to reduce food intake, helping those trying to lose weight stick to a low calorie diet more effectively. Diet Doc has introduced new Oxytocin nasal spray as part of the company's medically supervised, all inclusive weight loss plans.

Diet Doc Addresses the Causes of and Their Solution for Food Addictions and Emotional Eating Disorders

LogoFood addiction, a preoccupation with food, occurs when people think about food, worry about food and plan their lives around what they are going to eat. Like drug addicts, food addicts use food to manage emotions, turning to food during times of sadness, anxiety, anger, boredom, loneliness, frustration and sometimes even happiness.

Diet Doc Shares Real Patient Weight Loss Success Stories

LogoDiet Doc's dedication to helping people of all ages, genders, shapes, sizes and socioeconomic stature is rewarded when they receive phone calls and letters of testament from their patients who have successfully improved their physical and emotional health through natural, safe and fast weight loss. The company has combined decades of nutritional science and modern medical understanding, enabling them to design comprehensive diet plans that are specific to each patient's personal needs and conditions; technology that allows them to bring weight loss into the homes of patients who may otherwise be unable to seek treatment; powerful prescription diet products that turn the body into a well-oiled, fat burning machine and eliminate dieting side effects and the commitment of their specially trained staff to bring natural, safe and rapid weight loss to people in any part of the country.

Diet Doc Addresses Most Frequently Asked Weight Loss Questions

LogoEight years ago, Diet Doc Physicians were determined to revolutionize the way in which weight loss was offered. They identified many of the major challenges that dieters face, such as hunger, fatigue and disease complications, such as diabetes. Armed with this information, they created diet programs that maximize weight loss while eliminating dieting side effects, resulting in people throughout the country turning to Diet Doc for weight management and the company becoming a leader in the industry.

Diet Doc Offers New Solution for Morbidly Obese

LogoMorbid Obesity is a term used for those with a body mass index (BMI) over 40, or for a person who is more than 100 pounds over his/her ideal body weight. For those labeled morbidly obese, weight loss is not only recommended, it is imperative to survival. The morbidly obese classification carries with it serious, life altering illnesses like osteoarthritis, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and sleep apnea among many other grave health concerns, any one of which will at its least make life nearly unbearable, and at its worst cause death. For those struggling with this terrible disease, weight loss is the only remedy, as weight gain is the sole cause of the illness. Diet Doc is offering its most affordable, most effective weight loss programs to date, providing the most successful program to anyone in need with a special introductory price.

Diet Doc Announces New Low Carb Diet Plans That Are Safer and More Effective Than No Carb Diets

LogoDiet Doc's utilization of nutritional science and research, modern medical understanding and the latest technology has enabled the company to develop low carb diet plans that are specific to each individual patient, meeting their personal nutritional needs and ensuring compatibility with almost any medical condition.

Diet Doc Discusses Similarities and Differences Between Their Medical Weight Loss Programs and the Total 10 Rapid Weight Loss Plan

LogoThe Total 10 Rapid Weight Loss Plan – given its name because people should feel like a total 10 after losing 10 pounds in just 10 days, holds many similarities to Diet Doc's medical weight loss program. While the diet plans have different techniques, their common goal is to cleanse the body of dangerous toxins and readjust and regulate hormones by teaching their patients how to eliminate carbohydrates and unhealthy processed foods from their menu, learn how to choose healthier food options, lose weight fast and sustain their weight loss over time.