EPM Scientific USA

R & D Jobs in Pharma Help to Create a Better World Through EMP Scientific

LogoThe race to find talent in the Life Sciences sector is faster and more pressurised than ever before. Organisations across the industry must evolve to keep up with the pace of change, innovation and disruption and that means building versatile teams with the skills to break new ground. For individuals in Life Sciences building a career can be challenging without the right guidance. Ever since it was established in 2012, EPM Scientific has been focused on delivering a more effective recruitment experience for the Life Sciences sector, using best-in-class consultant training and innovative recruitment technology to deliver a superior service.

American Life Science Recruitment Agency, EPM Scientific, Reports Surge in Jobs as the Sector Experiences Fresh Growth for 2020

LogoEstablished in 2012, EPM Scientific USA is now a leading Life Sciences recruiter in locations across America. Working with a nationwide network of employers and talented individuals the firm connects opportunities to talent in a diverse range of locations, including Dallas and New York, as well as Boston, Chicago and San Francisco. As the Life Sciences industry continues to expand this is an exciting time for businesses breaking through boundaries and for individuals keen to establish a rewarding and pioneering career.