Originally drafted as a 13 episode drama for Japanese broadcast television, THE RYUKAGE comic adaptation focuses on the story of Hitoshi Morita, a traveling ronin samurai, and his family. After a particularly long journey across southern Asia; Hitoshi finally returns home to his wife and six lovely daughters. However; their happy family reunion ends in a fiery bloodbath when a sinister and ancient evils suddenly awakens to relentlessly begin hunting them down, in demonic-rage-fueled attempt to eliminate all of the female members of his clan. Teaming up with a mysterious, but powerful, troupe of traveling warrior monks; the family manages to survive the assaults and temporarily keep the demons at bay. However, as the demons continue to grow stronger and even more fierce with each attack; will this ragtag band of warriors be enough to balance the scales and defeat them once and for all? This comic series will tell the tale.