Everywhere you look there's plastic. We use it and throw it away from the early morning when we eat a cup of yogurt for breakfast, when we eat a takeaway lunch, or drink a bottle of water. Plastic production is estimated to double in the next 20 years and quadruple by 2050(1). Water bottles are a special case. They are consumed at an alarming rate of 1 million bottles per minute worldwide. This is true even in countries like Switzerland where tap water from the Alps is of the highest quality. The problem with plastic is that when not properly disposed, it ends up polluting the planet. Plastic waste washes up on the shores of distant islands off-limits to the public. It appears in the stomachs of fish and birds. It is estimated that if we continue consuming plastic at this rate by the year 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the world's oceans (1).
"Winning the battle against plastic waste is in our hands" comments PierAndrea Quarta, Founder and CEO of REBO. "We are running out of time to stay still and wait for someone else to solve our problems. REBO puts technology in your hands to make an impact while you drink."