
Power Sales University Looks to Expand Nationally with Funding Support from Indiegogo

LogoThis project's objective is to empower the aspiring sales professionals by providing them high-quality sales training. Power Sales University has designed an excellent sales training curriculum that can be utilized by all levels of sales professionals to improve their selling skills significantly. Power Sales University informs us that their system of training focuses on improving the gross sales regardless of the products being sold or the methods used for sale.

Seraphim Voices Inc Seeks Crowdfunding via Indiegogo to Set-Up the First Angelic Call Center and Training School

LogoAs we go through the regular tasks of life, many of us suffer needlessly because we do not recognize the world-spanning wisdom and infinite intelligence that is within easy reach. Reverend Morgana Starr, Psychic Medium and Angel Communicator, is on a mission to bring the angelic messages to light. Throughout her career she has witnessed life changing miracles and healing from beyond this realm as a direct result of working with the angels.

Why Not Wear Caffeine Every Day Instead of Drink It? Introducing Joule, a Line of Caffeinated Bracelets and Watches

LogoIt's no secret that people love coffee, energy drinks and other caffeinated beverages. It's also no secret that any boost in energy derived from that coffee or energy drink is almost impossible to maintain. Days are filled with energy peaks and valleys that disrupt productivity, cause jitters and create nasty mood swings.

New SmartCare Watch Revolutionizes the Way We Care for the Elderly

LogoMany of us have been tasked with providing care to an elderly parent or other family member while others are caregiving professionals. Either way, there is a constant challenge between balancing one's own quality of life delivering the quality of care expected of us with the added challenge of maintaining the dignity of the senior citizen cared for. For example, adult children of dementia patients are often faced with missing time at work, lost wages, missing time with their own children and a mountain of stress trying to keep tabs on their loved one.

Skincare Company Unlocks the Formula for Ageless Skin by Turning to Babies

LogoEver wonder why babies have beautiful, moist skin? Well science has honed in on a few key chemicals that are responsible. For one, babies produce high levels of hyaluronic acid, which helps the skin maintain moisture and avoid blemishes. This is why we all have such flawless skin when were are tots, but, as we age, the attributes of our skin change and we develop a host of problems.

NYC Fashion House SiiZU Launches Crowdfunding Campaign for Ecofriendly Clothing Line

Logo"Fast Fashion" has perhaps become one of our generation's biggest guilty pleasures thanks to our access to an astonishing amount of clothing. The fashion industry is certainly taking full advantage of this new normal by often using inferior materials and questionable manufacturing methods in their production, catering their products to people who think of their clothes as easily disposable and are not overly sensible to how their clothes were made.

Michael Fligil and Team Launches Crowdfunding Campaign for UV Pro Elite

LogoWhen most of us think of sweat we think of our armpits or perhaps our forehead as the source of most of our perspiration. That's a false assumption as our hands and feet have more sweat glands than any other part of the human body. That being the case, it makes sense for us to wash the gloves on our hands and the shoes on our feet yet we never do.

Pishon Lab Seeks Indiegogo Funding to Introduce the World's First Smart Fingerprint Padlock

LogoPishon Lab claims that they are all set to introduce TAPP, the world's first smart fingerprint padlock. This unique padlock will allow users the freedom to access without a key, combination code, or Smartphone. As a result, there is no risk of losing the keys, forgetting the combination code, or getting the locks picked. TAPP utilizes an advanced encrypted fingerprint sensor to unlock within one second. All it requires is a tap using the users' unique fingerprint.

'Scouting for Diamonds': Love Story Shines Spotlight on Invisible Heroes of Baseball

LogoScouting for Diamonds is a feature-length documentary film to be directed by Molly Secours. This film is about scouts, the invisible heroes of baseball and features Baseball Hall of Fame Members Wade Boggs, Willie Mays, George Brett & many others. And while the film is certainly for those whose first love is baseball, it is for anyone who enjoys a good love story.

Crowdfund Buzz Launches New Affiliate Program

LogoCrowdfund Buzz, the world's #1 public relations firm in the crowdfunding industry is proud to announce their roll out of a brand new affiliate program. "We discontinued our first attempt at a crowdfunding affiliate program in 2014 after lackluster results," according to Howard Sherman, managing member of Crowdfund Buzz. "We found that 98% of our new affiliates were actually our own crowdfunding clients who didn't understand the program's parameters and signed up with the misconception they could earn affiliate commissions from their own crowdfunding campaign. We went back to the drawing board and redesigned our affiliate program from the ground up and the results are spectacular," he added.